baking · Workshops

From Cupcakes to Fondant: A Re-Post

I have been baking cupcakes like crazy. Pretty much every chance I get. When Baby Z is asleep, when my husband gets home early and won’t have work the next day, every single weekend – I have baked cupcakes. Most of them have turned out to be pretty good.

I figured I’m brave enough to try cakes. I have been spending a ridiculous amount of time salivating over cakes, there are just so many gorgeous ones (Pinterest alone has me clicking and zooming for hours).

I enrolled in yet another class! I already missed the Basic Cakes and Icings class so I tried out the Basic Fondant Class. Here are some of the pictures!

We used Pound cake because its sturdy and stable to hold the fondant

Making Fondant is so incredibly messy!
with Chef Aggy Villabona
My cake!

We were taught how to make Marshmallow Fondant, gum paste from scratch, and how to decorate the cake with swags and ribbons. We ended pretty late in the day, I was half-covered in flour but the cake? It was heaven in a box!

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